Does happiness exist? Does love exist? Does hatred exist? (well, this last one I'm sure it does) Or are they just human inventions?
Abstract nous are difficult to define and to recognize as they are something we can't touch or see, and maybe it's because of their characteristics that we sometimes question them.
I think that the main character of the novel Perfume was a lucky person because he only could know and recognize those things that he smellt, so he didn't know what was love, friendship, justice, evil, madness...
I don't believe in happiness as a permanent mood, I think that it exists in few moments in our lives, those that we enjoy and want them not to finish, those that we have to keep and seize.
The movie called The Pursuit of Happiness is a masterpiece where Will Smith starts that really makes you think about life, impossible targets, responsability, love and the pure essence oh happiness.

It isn't just another movie about the American Dream or the story of a father and his son in the absolute poverty. I seriously ask you to watch it if you haven't yet.
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