sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Cut Up Angels

I told the angels
I can't stay in heaven
I asked the devil, the devil, the devil
If we cut out the bad
Well then we'd have nothing left
Like I cut up your angels
Yeah you stabbed me to death


I lost my head
You couldn't come
This lust to my brain almost feels like a gun

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Believe It


The Wayside Chapel (W.C.)

An English woman, while in Switzerland, looked at several rooms in a large apartment house. She told the schoolmaster who owned the house that she would let him know about renting one of the rooms later. However, after she arrived back at her hotel, the thought occurred to her that she had not asked about the water closet (bathroom). She immediately wrote a note to the schoolmaster asking about the "W.C., "being too bashful to write out the words "water closet." The Swiss schoolmaster, who was far from being an expert in English, did not know what the initials "W.C." meant. He asked the parish priest, and together they decided that it meant Wayside Chapel.The schoolmaster then wrote the following letter to the very surprised woman.

Dear Madame,
I take great pleasure in informing you that the W.C. is located seven miles from the house in the center of a beautiful grove of pine trees. It is capable of holding 229 people and is open on Sunday and Thursday only. I recommend that you come early,although there is plenty of standing room. This is an unfortunate situation, especially if you are in the habit of going regularly.
You will no doubt be glad to hear that a good number bring their lunch and make a day of it, while others who can afford it go by car and arrive just in time. I would especially suggest that your ladyship go on Thursday when there is social music. Acoustically, the place is excellent.
It may interest you to know that my daughter was married in the W.C., and it was there she met her husband. I can remember the rush there was for seats.
The newest attraction is a bell donated by a wealthy resident of the district. It rings joyously every time a person enters. A bazaar is to be held to provide plush seats for all, since the people think it is a long-felt need.
My wife is rather delicate and does not go regularly. Naturally, it pains her very much not to attend more often.
If you wish, I shall be glad to reserve the best seat for you where you will be seen by all. Hoping I have been of service to you, I remain,
The Schoolmaster

En cierta ocasión, pasaba una familia inglesa sus vacaciones en Escocia, y en uno de sus paseos observaron una casita que les pareció encantadora para su próximo veraneo. Averiguaron quién era el dueño, y resultó ser un pastor protestante, al que se dirigieron para que les enseñara su pequeña finca.
El propietario se la mostró, y tanto por su comodidad como por su situación, les gustó, y quedaron comprometidos a tomarla en alquiler para las próximas vacaciones.
De regreso a Londres, repasaron al detalle cada habitación. De repente, la esposa observó no haber visto el W.C. Dado lo prácticos que son los ingleses, decidió escribir al pastor protestante preguntándole por ello en los siguientes términos: "Estimado pastor: Soy miembro de la familia que hace unos días visitó su finca con deseo de alquilarla para nuestras vacaciones, y como nos dimos cuenta de un detalle, quiero que nos indique más o menos dónde queda el W. C."Finalizó la carta y la envió al pastor.
Al abrirla este, desconoció la abreviatura WC, pero creyendo que se trataba de una capilla de su religión llamada Well Chapell, les contestó de la siguiente forma: 

"Estimada señora:
Tengo el agrado de informarle de que el lugar al que se refiere, queda sólo a 12 km. de la casa; lo cual es un poco molesto, sobre todo si se tiene la costumbre de ir con frecuencia. Algunos llevan  la comida y permanecen allí todo el día. Hay gente que viaja a pie y otros en tranvía, y de ordinario   llegan en el momento preciso. Hay lugar para 400 personas cómodamente sentadas y 100 de pie.
Los asientos están forrados de púrpura y terciopelo, y existe un sistema de aire acondicionado con el fin de evitar malos olores y sofocaciones. Se recomienda llegar temprano para coger sitio y ocuparlo, pues mi esposa, por no hacerlo así hace 10 años, tuvo que soportar el acto de pie, y desde entonces ya no utiliza este servicio.
A la entrada, se les da un papel a cada uno, y las personas que no lleguen a cogerlo por haberse acabado, pueden usar el del compañero de asiento, pero a la salida hay que devolverlo, para continuar dándole uso, todavía, durante un mes.
Todo lo que dejen allí depositado será para dar de comer a los huérfanos del hospicio.
Hay fotógrafos especiales que toman fotografías en diversas posiciones; serán publicadas en los diarios de la ciudad, y así el público podrá conocer a las altas personalidades que realizan estos actos tan humanos y personales."

Pursuit Of Happiness

Does happiness exist? Does love exist? Does hatred exist? (well, this last one I'm sure it does) Or are they just human inventions? 


Abstract nous are difficult to define and to recognize as they are something we can't touch or see, and maybe it's because of their characteristics that we sometimes question them.


I think that the main character of the novel Perfume was a lucky person because he only could know and recognize those things that he smellt, so he didn't know what was love, friendship, justice, evil, madness...

I don't believe in happiness as a permanent mood, I think that it exists in few moments in our lives, those that we enjoy and want them not to finish, those that we have to keep and seize. 

The movie called The Pursuit of Happiness is a masterpiece where Will Smith starts that really makes you think about life, impossible targets, responsability, love and the pure essence oh happiness.

It isn't just another movie about the American Dream or the story of a father and his son in the absolute poverty. I seriously ask you to watch it if you haven't yet.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

3 am


Lately I’ve heard about 5 songs called 3 am.  One of them is a Busted’s song and the other is a master piece of Eminem. Taking this apart, I must say that the other groups have a worrying lack of imagination and creativity because there are too many possible tittles to give to a song instead of giving some that have already been used in songs which quality they can’t even reach.

Just stupid thoughts that I have while listening to music.

Smells Like Teen Spirit

How much damage can come from an obsession. Something that is supposed to be a mental disorder but is also able to go out of the mind and hurt physically.

 This is more or less what happens in this disturbing book: Perfume, the story of a murderer; written by Patrick Süskind.  Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, obssesed wih the scent of a gínger teenage girl. The story of a man who despite he didn’t know what was to love or feel sorry for someone, was dead emanating and provoking love.
 P.S: I'd rather prefer the book to the movie.